Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cincinnati Warped Tour

The warped tour hit Cincinnati this past week and I had the pleasure of taking my little sister Livvy for her birthday. When we got there it was down pouring. I could not believe what I had gotten myself into, my jeans were soaked to the knees before we even entered the gate. Livvy and I snuggled under my umbrella long enough to get our tickets and then she took off to go hang with her friends. I spent the day hanging my with my camera. I am so glad I was able to sneak it in, though from the look of things press passes were fairly simple to get, there were tons of photographers in front of most of the stages. Who needs a press pass, I love having random security guard heads in my shots, it gives them character!

My favorite band of the day was a local band called Banderas, they put on a great show. If you ever get a chance to see them go.

Please do not steal without my permission and if you do at least give me a link. Thanks