Tuesday, September 15, 2009

With a little help from my friends...

My heart truly melts a little every time I ask a client how they heard of me and I find out its a referral from an old friend. Friends I haven't seen in years, yet they still think enough of me to refer my services to their friends. Its very humbling to have so many wonderful people in my life who are so supportive of my new photography business. Thank you!

These are a few pictures from a birthday party I shot this past weekend. I had so much fun... and so did everyone else. Lots of dancing and lots of smiles are all you need for the perfect party! Thanks Linh, for letting me help you celebrate.

Friday, September 11, 2009

My website is up!

I am very excited to say my new website is finally up and running. Im pretty proud of the way it turned out. After much debate in my head, I went with something classic and simple. You can check it out here. I have some pretty awesome shoots coming up so be sure to come back often, I will be updating my portfolio with new stuff often.

This is a goofy picture we took when I first got my new computer. I look like I am missing an eye. Gotta love Photobooth!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Cincinnati Photographer

Just a quick little post so you know I am still alive. I didn't get totally sucked into my computer, yet. I am working on getting the new website up nonstop. The company I went with before is from the UK and I am having a little problem transferring my domain... I am hoping all is up and running by Monday. (keep your fingers crossed!)

While I prepare for the new launch, I have been editing tons of photos, buying new gear, planning a trip to California, trying to spend time with my love, and forgetting to eat. A little busy to say the least.

I am constantly getting sidetracked with new stuff I find for Photoshop, loving me some textures right now.